
Customers about us

I think you must have thought I had forgotten to send you pictures. In fact I only just downloaded the pictures from the camera this week. so better late than never! Here they are! I so enjoyed the time we spent listening to you tell us all about coral and loved the work you do. Maybe some day I will be back!

Kind regards

Marylen Sternweiler

Marylen STERNWEILERdate: 10 MAY 2014

My wife and I (Mr. Neal) visied your shop on March 18 and purchased two necklaces and earings for our daughters. We finally gave one of the sets to our oldest daughter (Tanya) yesterday and you can see from the photo she thought it was beautiful and had to put it on right away.)

We plan to give our younger daughter (Marsie) her gift when we travel to visit her and her family at Easter.
Our visit to your shop was one of the highlights of our trip. Judy and I enjoyed, so much, meeting you.

Neal & Judy

Judith JANAUSHEKdate: 04 APR 2014

Hi Irena,
I don’t know if you will remember me…I am the Turkish born Nese Zinn who was at your beautiful shop in September of this year with a tour with the Grand Circle Travel and bought the two necklaces and earrings from you…you were sooooooo generous to include a bracelet for me and to deliver it to the ship before we sailed. Every day I have meant to write to you; but, life has its own agenda sometimes. Two days after my return to the States I had cancer surgery on my left ankle…since I was in the middle of moving from my downtown house to a condo on the river up town, and could not lay on my back like I was supposed to; I tore the stiches…long recovery and this was followed by a bad back-seeing a spine specialist next week-and during the process I lost your card…
I have moved about 60% of my antique junk to the new residence, my jewelry is still at the old house; therefore the only two sets which I have been wearing for the past two months have been your jewelry, and have been getting a lot of compliments on them. I have not even downloaded the 16,000 plus photos I took during the trip…as soon as I do, I will forward the ones of us together to you…this morning I found the envelope from the trip and thus your little card with your web address-finally I can send you a big hug and my deepest gratitude and thanks for going out of your way to bring the jewelry to the ship, making a bracelet for me with the extra beads, and also adding a gorgeous bracelet to your package. You are amazing- but, I knew that, as when you were giving us your lecture, your eyes were telling us how much you loved and cared about what you were doing.
I hope one day I will return to your beautiful island and see you again…, but, in the meantime if you come back to the United States; and venture south towards South Carolina, I would love to have you stay with us,so I can show you the real old south!!
My best wishes to you and to your beautiful mother also.

Nese Zinn
Zinn Rug Gallery

Nese ZINNdate: 06 DEC 2013

Hi Irena,
Hope you are well?!
It was a truly serendipitous experience meeting you!
Thank you for the gorgeous red leather cuff as well as your kind hospitality.
Spending some time in your shop with you was definitely one of the highlights of our trip to Croatia.
Best wishes,

Yvette LABUSCHAGNEdate: 17 SEP 2013

Irena, I met you a few weeks ago on an OAT Tour with Jasmina Dvorsek. I purchased a lovely pair of coral earrings with silver starfish. They are lovely, and I receive many compliments on them. I am proud to say I purchased them from you in Korcula. Thank you also for giving me several pieces of coral and silver earring rings so I could make my own earrings. I am so grateful for your generosity. Both pair are special reminders of lovely Korcula and the very charming and talented Irena!
Karen Lowe

Karen LOWEdate: 04 JAN 2012

Hi Irena,
Liz and I feel very priviledged to have found you in Korcula. I will wear your magnificent creation with pride.

Katherine Andjelopolj (Lavelle)
South Africa

Katherine ANDJELOPOLJ (Lavelle)date: 18 SEP 2011

Draga Irena, upravo sam pogledala sve tvoje slikice i tako mi je lijepo vidjeti te nasmijanu…ti zracis divnom energijom i radis predivan posao …prisjetila sam se divne veceri koju si organizirala, svaka ti cast..bilo je divno…eto,morala sam ti to napisati. Veliku pusu imas od mene i ne zaboravi, uistinu sretan zivot vodiš ..CMOK

Petra GRANIĆdate: 17 MAY 2011

Hi, Irena,

It was a pleasure to meet you and to have you help me select a pair of earrings that you designed. It was also a pleasure to visit with you and to learn what a beautiful person you are not only on the outside but also the inside. I commend you for recognizing that the creative spirit must be used if the talent has been given or a person cannot know personal happiness. The beauty that you incorporate into your artistic designs of your jewelry carries over into the lives of those who wear them. I wore my amber earrings yesterday to a college board meeting on which I serve as a trustee. I felt enhanced by wearing them. Thank you for asking me to send you a photo so that it could be displayed on your website. You have created a sense of good will for your country with your kindness and caring as you helped me with my purchase. I will always carry a fine impression of your country because of you. May you be blessed with continuing success.
In friendship,
Sylvia Mahoney
Vernon, Texas, USA

Sylvia MAHONEYdate: 31 MAR 2011

Draga Irena,

sjetila sam se tvojih prekrasnih rukotvorina i otišla malo pogledati tvoju web stranicu. Na žalost, nisam našla on-line trgovinu, ali sam zato naletjela na fotografije tvoje proslave. Ovim putem čestitamo na 20-godišnjem radu uz želje da ostaneš uspješna i kreativna kao do sada.
Sve više od toga je sjajno.
Veliki pozdrav i do viđenja na Korčuli, ali od sada većem broju
Ivona, Damir i mali Vito !

Ivona FRANGENdate: 22 FEB 2011

Hola Irena,

A finales de julio estuve en la Isla de Kórkula. Pasé por tu tienda donde me probé varios pendientes. Tras muchas dudas, acabe comprándome unos pendientes muy muy largos. Me los he puesto en varias ocasiones y la verdad es que estoy contentísima de la compra que hice. Te escribo para decirte que gracias a tus consejos llevé a cabo una buena compra, cada vez me gustan más.
Gracias y un saludo desde Donostia- San Sebastian


Mari Angeles IRURTIA DIEZdate: 18 OCT 2010

Irena, Hello! My husband Neil and I visited your wonderful shop this August. Our ‘son’ Ivan Glasovac took us there at the suggestion of his sister Ana and future brother-in-law Dragan. It was like being in a candy store for us and we just couldn’t get enough. We bought several pieces including the beautiful and unique necklace I fell in love with. I’ve worn it here and have been asked about it and I always tell them the story of your shop. Our experience in Korcula was so unexpected, especially the group singing on the neighborhood steps. The acoustics were perfect and the sound of your combined voices I can still hear when I go back there in my memory. As you said at the time, “where can you get this?” Well, I can tell you…not here in southern cali that’s for sure! Also, if you ever find yourself in Los Angeles, please feel free to contact us. We’d love to see you again. All the best,
Ana Forker
California, USA

Ana FORKERdate: 16 OCT 2010

Dear Irena!

How are you? I hope that everything is good, weather is fine and business is running well. I am back in Estonia after my wonderful holiday in Croatia. For sure, Korčula was the best place that I visited and I would like to go back. I remember clearly the little old town with narrow streets, restaurants with good food, sunset, some cats around and your lovely impressive Coral shop. I would be very proud if I would have one like you do. My compliments! I am very proud also for the Morcic earrings. As I promised, I am sending you the 2 pictures taken late in the Sunday evening. I hope that you like them. Please say also my regards to your friend that had to wait for you after the shop was closed.
I wish you all the best!
Ingrid Kukemelk
Tallinn, Estonia

Ingrid KUKEMELKdate: 27 AUG 2010